(08) 8981 9767
(08) 8932 2344
Wagait Beach Clinic
We visit Wagait Beach four times a year to hold a pet health clinic: usually February, May, August and November.
Clinics are usually run on a Saturday from 10am – 2pm.
We are able to provide health checks and vaccinations. We can also collect some samples for laboratory testing later on (blood tests, skin scrapes for mites, ear cytology for infections). More complicated procedures (eg. surgery) will need to be performed pack at our Parap or Palmerston practices.
Phone Parap Vet on (08) 8981 9767 to book your appointment (dates are usually confirmed the month before)
When booking your appointment please advise us if you require any products (medicated shampoo, flea control, tick control, worming products, etc.) as we can only bring limited supplies.
The clinic is run in the Wagait Shire Council community building (see map below).
We hope to see you soon!